Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education (CARPE)
Manchester, United Kingdom
Retune Creative Technology Conference
Berlin, Germany
Museum für Kunst und Gerwerbe - "Soft Constructions"
Hamburg, Germany
Bucerius Kunst Forum - "Rodchenko"
Hamburg, Germany
Fabrik der Künste - "Reaktive Fragmente"
Hamburg, Germany
Bucerius Kunst Forum - "Giacometti"
Hamburg, Germany
Next Conference - "Creative: State of the Art"
Berlin, Germany
This Happened - "Rainbug"
Hamburg, Germany
FoAM - "Soft-wear Symposium"
Brussels, Belgium
Crystalpunk Workshop for Soft Architecture
Utrecht, Netherlands
Roller Aller!
Hamburg, Germany
Franziska Linnea Hübler is an artist working with mixed media. She can be found on Instagram by following: @franziskalinnea.
© Franziska Linnea Hübler